LockSelf at the Service of Local Authorities

Metropolises, Cities, Communities of Agglomeration, regardless of their size and scope of action, local authorities are also highly exposed to cyber risks due to their multiple interactions with the citizens and businesses of their territory.
Use cases

A digital safe certified by the ANSSI

The ANSSI's CSPN certification

Issued by the National Agency for the Security of Information Systems (ANSSI), the CSPN certification is an essential condition for local authorities looking to secure the use of their agents and the sharing of data internally and externally.

At the Service of IT Pooling

Centralized management of data and users, interconnection with company directories, integration into the working environments of employees via browser and email plugins (Outlook/Office365), the LockSelf suite is part of the efforts to harmonize the IT systems within local authorities and public administrations.

A "Collaborative" Keepass

Widely deployed within the IT departments of local authorities, Keepass has limitations in password sharing, multi-device accessibility, and synchronization. These are areas where LockPass provides solid guarantees through a simple interface accessible to all business departments.

Referenced on the UGAP's Multi-Publisher Market

The benchmark purchasing platform for public actors that facilitates the implementation of projects.

Témoignage de Patrice Renaudineau - RSSI de Nantes Métropole : "C'est l'un des grands enjeux pour les mois à venir. Celui de prendre en compte l'impact global sur la métropole en cas de cyberattaque."
They choose LockSelf

Nantes Métropole equips its employees to protect its IS

The goal of deploying the LockPass solution within the community is to establish centralized password management to reduce poor practices and secure access to core business applications of the division.

To learn more: click here.

They choose LockSelf

Créteil: Policy of least access to protect the town

Since 2020, the town of Créteil has been using our LockPass centralised management system for its teams. ANSSI certification, historical logs and a 100% French solution are just some of the key features that convinced the IT department to go for it!

To find out more: click here.


Discover our latest e-books dedicated to the public sector!

Dealing with a cyber attack

Recover from a cyber attack in less than 24 hours!

SIIM 94, a public institution in the Val-de-Marne, suffered a cyber attack in March 2023. Malik Himiche, their CISO, tells us how they restored production in less than 24 hours.

To download his report: click here.

Secure your passwords

Public sector IT: How can you make your passwords more secure?

Read what the CISOs at Paris-Dauphine University, Nantes Métropole and Créteil have to say in our dedicated white paper!

To download the white paper: click here.

Increase your

Background Improve your protection V1


Background Improve your protection V2


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